Kristi Yamaguchi's Always Dream

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Our Impact in Hawaiʻi

In the 2023-24 School Year,

We partnered with 13 schools across the state of Hawaiʻi and helped 1,235 students and family members develop at-home reading routines! Our program isn’t just about reading more books, it’s about increasing family knowledge of the importance of reading with their child, and how that can impact their educational journey ahead.

Highlights from 2023-24 School Year

Highlights from 2022-23 School Year
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of families report their child looks at books with them more times per week than before the program.

Highlights from 2022-23 School Year

total minutes read

Highlights from 2022-23 School Year

total books read

Reading Routines Start with the Caregiver

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of families report that they play an important role in creating reading routines for their child.
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families report that Always Reading helped them understand that family reading helps their child’s brain grow.

Increasing Family Engagement with Books

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Increasing Family Engagement with Books

of families report that participating in Always Reading has made it easier to find books their child enjoys.

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Increasing Family Engagement with Books
of families report that participating in Always Reading has made it easier to make read aloud time interesting for their child.

Providing Family Support That Makes a Difference

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of families report that they found their Book Coach to be a valuable part of the program.


total curriculum text messages sent to Always Reading family members from our Book Coaches.

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of families report that they found it useful when their Book Coach sent a message checking on their family’s reading activity.

How We Collect Data

Always Dream relies upon several different data sets in order to determine effectiveness of the program. We collect engagement data from the digital library platform that informs how often students are reading, how many minutes, and the number of books being read. We track the engagement of Book Coaches and their communication with families. We collect feedback from teachers and administrators through mid-year and year-end focus groups. Finally, we conduct thorough year-end family surveys. All of this data is used to determine if we meet program objectives for the year and to inform adjustments that should be made to our program delivery.

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Org-wide Impact

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